
Preparing and Guiding Forensic Crime Scene Inspections in Virtual Reality

Süncksen M, Teistler M, Hamester F, Ebert L. Preparing and Guiding Forensic Crime Scene Inspections in Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings Of Mensch Und Computer 2019. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019:755–758. doi:10.1145/3340764.3344903.

Tangible Browsing for E-Books: Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Approach for Digital Reading

Sietas J, Hansen T, Ali H, Reinhold S, Teistler M. Tangible Browsing for E-Books: Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Approach for Digital Reading. In: Proceedings Of Mensch Und Computer 2019. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019:737–741. doi:10.1145/3340764.3344900.

A Mixed Reality Environmental Simulation to Support Learning about Maritime Habitats: An Approach to Convey Educational Knowledge With a Novel User Experience

Taulien A, Paulsen A, Streland T, Jessen B, Wittke S, Teistler M. A Mixed Reality Environmental Simulation to Support Learning about Maritime Habitats: An Approach to Convey Educational Knowledge With a Novel User Experience. In: Proceedings Of Mensch Und Computer 2019. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019:921–925. doi:10.1145/3340764.3345382.

Improving Readability of Text in Realistic Virtual Reality Scenarios: Visual Magnification Without Restricting User Interactions

Knaack L, Lache A-K, Preikszas O, Reinhold S, Teistler M. Improving Readability of Text in Realistic Virtual Reality Scenarios: Visual Magnification Without Restricting User Interactions. In: Proceedings Of Mensch Und Computer 2019. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019:749–753. doi:10.1145/3340764.3344902.

Adapting Gameplay to Eye Movements – An Exploration with TETRIS

Spiel K, Bertel S, Kayali F. Adapting Gameplay to Eye Movements – An Exploration with TETRIS. In: Extended Abstracts Of The Annual Symposium On Computer-Human Interaction In Play Companion Extended Abstracts. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019:687–695. doi:10.1145/3341215.3356267.

Potential of AR for the Analysis and Training of Spatial Skills: A Case Study

Dohse F, Nicolaisen V, Wetzel S, Bertel S. Potential of AR for the Analysis and Training of Spatial Skills: A Case Study. In: Proceedings Of Mensch Und Computer 2019. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 2019:537–541. doi:10.1145/3340764.3344453.

Using Gaze-Derived Measures to Contrast Mental and Physical Rotation Processes

Bertel S, Wetzel S. Using Gaze-Derived Measures to Contrast Mental and Physical Rotation Processes. ECEM 2019. 2019.

The Future of Geographic Information Displays from GIScience, Cartographic, and Cognitive Science Perspectives

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Lingua controllata e traduzione (automatica) nella comunicazione tecnica

Wittkowsky M. Lingua controllata e traduzione (automatica) nella comunicazione tecnica. In: Machine Translation – Come Usarla In Modo Professionale. Aracne editrice; 2019:8. doi:10.4399/97888255287495.

Speech acts in professional maritime discourse: A pragmatic risk analysis of bridge team communication directives and commissives in full-mission simulation

John P, Brooks B, Schriewer U. Speech acts in professional maritime discourse: A pragmatic risk analysis of bridge team communication directives and commissives in full-mission simulation. Journal of Pragmatics.2019;140:10. doi:
